Published scientific articles
- Isvoran A.; Ciorsac A.; Ostafe V. ADME-Tox profiling of some low molecular weight water soluble chitosan derivatives. ADMET and DMPK 2017
- Menghiu, G., Zbârcea, L., Ostafe, V., Use of Factorial Design to Optimize the Efficiency of Bacterial Transformation, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia 64 (2, I) (2019) 23-34
- Menghiu, G., Iancu, A., Ostafe, V., A fast and sensitive zymography method of peroxidase activity determination using sodium acetate buffer, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia, 64 (2, II)(2019) 539-546
- Diana Larisa ROMAN, Marin ROMAN, Havard SLETTA, Vasile OSTAFE, Adriana ISVORAN, Assessment of the properties of chitin deacetylases showing different enzymatic action patterns, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 88 (2019)41 – 48
- Matica, M. A., Aachmann, F. L., Tøndervik, A., Sletta, H., Ostafe, V., Chitosan as a Wound Dressing Starting Material: Antimicrobial Properties and Mode of Action, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (2019) 5889
Conference presentations
Titlu manifestare științifică: International Conference on Medical & Health Science – ICMHS 2020 |
Perioada de desfășurare: 19th-20th February, 2020 |
Locul de desfășurare: Florence, ITALY |
Programul evenimentului: |
Titlul lucrării prezentate: Di- and Tricarboxylic Acid used for Intramolecular Cross-Linking of the Chitosan Linear Chains for Preparation of Biodegradable Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications |
Lista autorilor: Adina MATICA, Gheorghita MENGHIU, Adriana ISVORAN, Vasile OSTAFE |
Titlu manifestare științifică: Aplicații biologice si medicale ale biomaterialelor pe baza de chitosan |
Perioada de desfășurare: 13 martie 2020 |
Locul de desfășurare: Timișoara, România |
Programul evenimentului: |
(a) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Efectul antimicrobian al chitosanului |
Lista autorilor: MATICA Mariana Adina, OSTAFE Vasile |
(b) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Peptide ce dețin proprietăți de vindecare folosite în vindecarea rănilor cronice și tehnici de imobilizare pe materiale de chitosan |
Lista autorilor: VULPE, Bianca, OSTAFE, Vasile |
(c) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Efecte toxice ale chitosanului” |
Lista autorilor: BOROS, Bianca Vanesa, MURĂRESCU Mădălina, OSTAFE, Vasile |
(d) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Degradarea chitosanului in organismul uman” |
Lista autorilor: ROMAN Diana, ROMAN Marin, ISVORAN Adriana |
(e) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Efecte biologice ale derivatilor solubili ai oligomerilor de chitosan |
Lista autorilor: FILIP Madalina, ISVORAN Adriana |
(f) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Studiul computational al interactiunilor oligomerilor de chitsan cu proteinele plasmatice |
Lista autorilor: ROMAN Diana, ISVORAN Adriana |
(g) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Eliberarea controlată a ciprofloxacinei din membrane cu dublu strat alginat-chitosan |
Lista autorilor: DASCĂLU Daniela |
(h) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Eliberarea controlată a ciprofloxacinei din membrane cu dublu strat alginat-chitosan |
Lista autorilor: VLAD-OROS Beatrice |
Titlu manifestare științifică – Workshop: „Biomateriale funcționalizate bazate pe chitosan, cu proprietăți de vindecare a rănilor” |
Perioada de desfășurare: 13 martie 2020 |
Locul de desfășurare: Timișoara, România |
Programul evenimentului: |
(a) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Rezultate obținute in cadrul proiectului ChitoWound |
Lista autorilor: OSTAFE Vasile |
(b) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Testarea biologică a nanomaterialelor – evenimente de formare a tinerilor cercetători |
Lista autorilor: ISVORAN Adriana |
(c) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Dispozitive medicale, pe bază de chitosan, folosite în vindecarea rănilor – studiu de piață |
Lista autorilor: MATICA Mariana Adina, OSTAFE Vasile |
(d) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Aplicații medicale ale membranelor pe bază de chitosan |
Lista autorilor: VLAD-OROS Beatrice, DASCĂLU Daniela |
(e) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Efectele chitosanului la nivel celular |
Lista autorilor: BUNDURUȘ Iulia, MENGHIU Gheorghița, OSTAFE Vasile |
(f) Titlul lucrării prezentate: Influenta glicolizarii chitinazelor in procesul de degradare a chitosanului |
Lista autorilor: MIHALACHE Eliza, MENGHIU Gheorghița, OSTAFE Vasile |
Title of presentation: | Immobilization onto chitosan nanoparticle of peptides promoting wound healing |
Conference name: | International Conference of Medical and Health Sciences |
Publisher / Organizer: | The Research Fora |
Date (period): | 12-14 October |
Location: | Cannes, France |
Authors: | Gheorghita MENGHIU, Bianca Vanesa BOROS, Adina Mariana MATICA, Vasile OSTAFE |
Title of presentation: | Chitinases– Enzymes suitable for the production of chitooligosaccharides used in wound healing |
Conference name: | International Conference on Cell and Gene therapy / International Conference on Genomic and Molecular Biology |
Publisher / Organizer: | Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy / Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine (ISSN 2639-9512) |
Date (period): | 26-27 November, 2019 |
Location: | Lisbon, Portugal |
Authors: | Bianca-Vanesa BOROS, Mădălina MURĂRESCU, Gheorghița MENGHIU, Adina MATICA, Vasile OSTAFE |
Title of presentation: | Preliminary results of phenotypical studies of the epigenetic toxicity and ecotoxicity of chitosan pristine bionanomolecules to duckweed (Lemna minor L.) |
Conference name: | International Conference on Cell and Gene Therapy / International Conference on Genomic and Molecular Biology |
Publisher / Organizer: | Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy / Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine (ISSN 2639-9512) |
Date (period): | 26-27 November 2019 |
Location: | Lisbon, Portugal |
Authors: | Bianca-Vanesa BOROS, Nathalie GRAU, Vasile OSTAFE |
Title of presentation: | Preliminary results on the ecotoxic effects of acetic acid to duckweed (Lemna minor) |
Conference name: | International Symposium “Young People and Agriculture Research” |
Publisher / Organizer: | Banat’s University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timișoara |
Date (period): | 28-29 November 2019 |
Location: | Timișoara, Romania |
Authors: | Bianca-Vanesa BOROS, Nathalie GRAU, Vasile OSTAFE |
Title of presentation: | Preliminary results on the ecotoxic effects of carboxymethyl chitosan to duckweed |
Conference name: | International Symposium “Young People and Agriculture Research” |
Publisher / Organizer: | Banat’s University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timișoara |
Date (period): | 28-29 November 2019 |
Location: | Timișoara, Romania |
Authors: | Diana Larisa Roman, Marin Roman, Vasile Ostafe, Adriana Isvoran |
Title of presentation: | Predictions of the molecular targets and side effects of the degradation products of chitosan |
Publisher / Organizer: | Consorțiul Universitaria |
Date (period): | 22-23 April 2019 |
Location: | West University of Timisoara |
Authors: | Marin Roman, Diana Larisa Roman, Vasile Ostafe, Adriana Isvoran |
Title of presentation: | Assessment of the interactions of chitin deacetylases with chito-oligosaccharides. A molecular docking study |
Conference name: | Biopolymers as wound healing agents workshop |
Publisher / Organizer: | New Frontiers Chemistry – West University of Timisoara |
Date (period): | June 27, 2019 |
Location: | Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories |
Authors: | Mădălina Filip, Diana Roman, Vasile Ostafe, Adriana Isvoran |
Title of presentation: | ADME-Tox profiles of oligomers of 4-hydroxyvalerate |
Conference name: | Biopolymers as wound healing agents workshop |
Publisher / Organizer: | New Frontiers Chemistry – West University of Timisoara |
Date (period): | June 27, 2019 |
Location: | Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories |
Authors: | Amalia Mișea, Adina Matica, Vasile Ostafe |
Title of presentation: | Chitosan effect on bacterial biofilm formation |
Conference name: | Biopolymers as wound healing agents workshop |
Publisher / Organizer: | New Frontiers Chemistry – West University of Timisoara |
Date (period): | June 27, 2019 |
Location: | Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories |
Authors: | Iancu Amalia, Gheorghița Menghiu, Vasile Ostafe |
Title of presentation: | Zymogram analysis of a peroxidase enzyme, involved in wound repair |
Conference name: | Biopolymers as wound healing agents workshop |
Publisher / Organizer: | New Frontiers Chemistry – West University of Timisoara |
Date (period): | June 27, 2019 |
Location: | Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories |
Authors: | Patricia Pilț, Adina Matica, Vasile Ostafe |
Title of presentation: | Protein extraction from crustacean waste |
Conference name: | Biopolymers as wound healing agents workshop |
Publisher / Organizer: | New Frontiers Chemistry – West University of Timisoara |
Date (period): | June 27, 2019 |
Location: | Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories |
Authors: | Daiana Cutu, Beatrice Vlad-Oros, Daniela Dascălu |
Title of presentation: | Controlled release of paracetamol by biopolymers mixed membranes |
Conference name: | Biopolymers as wound healing agents workshop |
Publisher / Organizer: | New Frontiers Chemistry – West University of Timisoara |
Date (period): | June 27, 2019 |
Location: | Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories |
Authors: | Gheorghita MENGHIU, Vasile OSTAFE |
Title of presentation: | Thermostable chitinases: biocatalysts for obtaining chitooligosaccharides used in the biofuels industry |
Conference name: | Conference of Doctoral Schools from the Consortium, 2nd Edition – 2019 / Chemistry |
Publisher / Organizer: | Consorțiul Universitaria |
Date (period): | 11-14 November 2019 |
Location: | West University of Timisoara |
Authors: | Mariana Adina Matica, Vasile Ostafe |
Title of presentation: | Toxicity of organic acids on microorganisms |
Conference name: | Conference of Doctoral Schools from the Consortium, 2nd Edition – 2019 / Chemistry |
Publisher / Organizer: | Consorțiul Universitaria |
Date (period): | 11-14 November 2019 |
Location: | West University of Timisoara |
Title of scientific event: 49th International Conferences on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS) |
Period: Munch, Germany |
Location: 3 – 4 November 2018 |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Comparison of the structural properties of chitin deacetylases showing different enzymatic action patterns. A computational approach |
List of authors: Diana Larisa ROMAN, Marin ROMAN, Alecu CIORSAC, Vasile OSTAFE, Adriana ISVORAN |
Title of scientific event: 7th IAPC Meeting & PFC-J |
Period: 28 – 30 August 2018 |
Location: Osaka, Japan |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Applying the concept of multilevel toxicological test batteries to wound healing active compounds |
List of authors: Vasile OSTAFE, Rando TUVIKENE, Adina MATICA, Bianca BOROȘ, Bianca VULPE, Adriana ISVORAN |
Title of scientific event: The 43th FEBS Congress |
Period: 07 – 13 July 2018 |
Location: Prague, Czech Republic |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Structural bioinformatics characterization of chitin deacetylases secreted by marine organisms |
List of authors: Diana – Larisa ROMAN, Marin ROMAN, Vasile OSTAFE, Adriana ISVORAN |
Title of scientific event: Symposium of Chemistry Students from the Department of Biology – Chemistry (Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography, West University of Timisoara) |
Period: 26 June 2018 |
Location: Timișoara, Romania |
Title of the presented work: Biomedical applications of biopolymers |
List of authors: Maria – Georgiana RÎCEA, Daniela DASCĂLU, Beatrice VLAD – OROS |
Title of scientific event: Symposium of Chemistry Students from the Department of Biology – Chemistry (Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography, West University of Timisoara) |
Period: 26 June 2018 |
Location: Timișoara, Romania |
Title of the presented work: Methods for determining the physico-chemical properties of chitosan membranes |
List of authors: Alexandru PAHOMI, Daniela DASCĂLU, Beatrice VLAD – OROS |
Title of scientific event: 15th International Student Student Conference |
Period: 17–22 April 2018 |
Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Physico-chemical properties of chitosan-based membranes |
List of authors: Alexandru PAHOMI, Beatrice VLAD-OROS, Daniela DASCĂLU |
Title of scientific event: 297th International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (IRES) |
Period: 29 – 30 November 2017 |
Location: Milano, Italy |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Bioinformatic characterization of the bacterial and fungal chitin-deacetylase structure |
List of authors: Diana ROMAN, Marin ROMAN, Havard SLETTA, Vasile OSTAFE, Alecu CIORSAC, Adriana ISVORAN |
Title of scientific event: The 19th Congress of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) and the 11th European Congress of Biophysics (EBSA) |
Period: 16 – 20 July 2017 |
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Exploring the structural characteristics of chitin deacetylases and chitin deacetylase oligosaccharides |
List of authors: Adriana ISVORAN, Marin ROMAN, Diana ROMAN, Vasile OSTAFE |
Title of scientific event: Annual International Conference of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
Period: 8 – 9 June 2017 |
Location: Timișoara, Romania |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Structural bioinformatic characterization of chitin from fungal and bacterial deacetilates |
List of authors: Diana – Larisa ROMAN, Marin ROMAN, Vasile OSTAFE, Alecu CIORSAC, Adriana ISVORAN |
Title of scientific event: Annual International Conference of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
Period: 8 – 9 June 2017 |
Location: Timișoara, Romania |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Preliminary studies on the physico-chemical properties of chitosan membranes |
List of authors: Alexandru PAHOMI, Beatrice VLAD – OROS, Daniela DASCĂLU |
Title of scientific event: Annual International Conference of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
Period: 8 – 9 June 2017 |
Location: Timișoara, Romania |
Link to event: |
Title of the presented work: Natural polymers used as wound dressings and their effect on microbial growth |
List of authors: Mariana Adina MATICA, Diana Larisa ROMAN, Vasile OSTAFE |