
To the official site of the project Biotechnological tools implementation for new wound healing applications of byproducts from the crustacean seafood processing industry, acronym ChitoWund

The objectives of ChitoWound are as follows:

  • To increase the quality and reproducibility of chitin from crustacean waste by development of processing steps utilizing non-destructive enzymatic treatment of the biomass.
  • To characterize the isolated protein/peptide fraction and explore potential use of this as a media component for microbial cultivation and for bioactive properties
  • To produce large batches of chitosans with widely different chemical composition
  • To increase functionality and value of these chitosans by peptide modifications
  • To use the functionalized chitosans for creating new biomaterials targeted for wound healing applications, including also the preparation of new chitosan-based biomaterials
  • To test the new chitosans and biomaterials in in vitro cell based assays