
ChitoWound meeting in Tallinn, May 30–31, 2018

General: The meeting will be focused on results, plans, materials and dissemination.

In addition to presentations of status on results and plans (Day 1) we ask that each partner present status for publications, including answering these questions: 1) Where are we now? 2) What else do we need, and when can this be done? 3) How can other partners contribute? “Bonus”: Other forms of dissemination, e.g. conferences

Wednesday, 30 May


11:00 Welcome by Rando Tuvikene

11:10 Introduction and project overview (SINTEF/NTNU)

Results and plans session

11:30 SINTEF

12:00 NTNU

13:45 University of Crete

14:15 West University of Timisoara

14:45 Tallinn University

15:15 Coffee break

15:30 Industry presentations: AlgiPharma

16:00 Industry presentation: Seagarden/Finn Hjelland

16:30 Lab tour (40 min)


Thursday, 31 May

Plans session

09:00 Common plans and material requirements

10:30 Publication workshop/dissemination

11:30 Coffee break

11:45 Discussions

12:40 Closing discussions